Jaw Angle Implants in Toronto

There are various features of the human face that tend to draw attention. Beautiful lips, accentuated cheek bones, beautiful eyes and a sculpted or chiseled jawline. Whether you are looking to enhance your jawline or improve a weakness in your facial structure, we have several options for your Jaw Angle Implant Surgery at Solomon Facial Plastic Toronto.

As a specialist in Jaw Angle Implants for over 20 years, Dr. Philip Solomon is a leader in this area of medicine. Both men, women as well as transitioning patients seek out his expertise and artistry as it takes a meticulous eye to achieve optimal jaw refinement.

Living Luxe Magazine Article Featuring Dr. Philip Solomon, Toronto Plastic Surgeon – Chin Up

Toronto’s Dr. Philip Solomon, MD, FRCSC, Otolarynology, Head and Neck Surgeon, talked to us about a surgery that can provide both balance, harmony and profound changes to the face.

By Dr. Philip Solomon, MD, FRCSC…Click to read the article.

Who Is a Candidate for Jaw Angle Implant Surgery?

Jaw-Angle-Implants-TorontoBoth men and women are potential candidates for Jaw Angle Implant Surgery. While this procedure is more common amongst men, Jaw Angling can help create a more chiseled and contoured jawline in anyone looking for a stronger facial structure. Candidates also include those who have completed orthodontic and orthognathic work and are not planning any further treatments of that nature.

Can Chin Implants and Jaw Angle Implants Both Be Used?

Chin Implant surgery is a very common procedure for those who have a recessed or weak chin as well as those looking for a stronger jawline. While chin implants help improve projection of the chin, jaw angling helps widen the face. In some case jaw angle implants are required in combination with chin implants to better enhance the face and balance facial structure, depending on the patients’ needs and goals for surgery.

How Is Jaw Angle Implant Surgery Performed

Jaw Angle Implants are inserted intra-orally, (through the inside of the mouth). A small incision is made in the inner cheek where either Silicone and Medpor implants are both inserted and placed below the masseter muscle, and on top of the mandible

Silicone Vs. Medpor Implant?

Silicone and Medpor implantsBoth Silicone and Medpor implants are both excellent choices for jaw angling.
Silicone implants are placed into a pocket inside the cheek, where they become incapsulated and remain secure on top of the bone. Medpor implants are screwed directly into the mandible, then melds with the bone overtime. Silicone can be easily inserted and easily removed if needed. Medpor is more complex to insert and remove. What’s most important when planning for your Jaw Angling Surgery is choosing the right shape implant to achieve your desired result.

Are There Risks From This Procedure?

With any surgery there are potential risks. Infection, asymmetry and patient satisfaction are among the most common concerns and risks. The risk of infection from your jaw angle implant is no different than the risk from any facial implant and is quite low at 1%.

Asymmetry can occur as the mandible itself may be naturally asymmetrical or may have ridges that require filing to achieve a flat, smooth surface to insert the implant. An experienced facial surgeon will know how to address these issues should they arise, otherwise implants can possibly magnify these issues.

Recovery From Jaw Angle Implant Surgery

While no external incisions are required for your Jaw Angle Implant Surgery, you will require some downtime at home to rest and recover. Pain from this procedure is similar to the pain experienced when having your wisdom teeth pulled and can last anywhere from 7-14 days. Swelling from this procedure can last up to one month with final results taking up to 3 months.

Both recovery time and results vary amongst patients.

Making the Decision to Proceed With Jaw Angle Implant Surgery

Research your surgeon carefully. Best to seek a Plastic Surgeon in Toronto who has extensive experience in facial plastic surgery and expertise in facial implants. Their education, experience and artistic eye are all important. Ask your surgeon for previous patient photos, read reviews and ensure you can communicate with your surgeon and are on the same page with your desired goals. Ensure your goals are realistic and that you are prepared for the surgical process which requires a recovery time until you achieve your final result.

For more information about Jaw Angle Implant Surgery, please call our office for your personal, one-on-consultation with Dr. Philip Solomon. 905-764-7799.

Dr. Philip Solomon

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Living Luxe Magazine Article Featuring Dr. Philip Solomon, Toronto Plastic Surgeon – Chin Up

Toronto’s Dr. Philip Solomon, MD, FRCSC, Otolarynology, Head and Neck Surgeon, talked to us about a surgery that can provide both balance, harmony and profound changes to the face. By Dr. Philip Solomon, MD, FRCSC What is chin implant surgery? Chin implant surgery, also...

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In order to best assist you, we require all cosmetic patients to schedule a virtual or in-person consultation. There is a fee of $250 with imaging plus HST for all consultations. Your consultation fee will be credited towards your procedure and/or treatment. To schedule a consultation, please complete the attached form or call our office at 905-764-7799. We look forward to hearing from you.

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