Toronto Rhinoplasty: Does It Require Breaking Nasal Bones?

Rhinoplasty Surgery Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Procedures

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular facial cosmetic surgery procedures available, as many men and women are unhappy with the appearance of their nose and chose to undergo this procedure to address a variety of aesthetic and functional concerns. Whether you are bothered by the asymmetrical appearance of your nose, a dorsal hump, or simply feel that your nose is too large for your face, Toronto rhinoplasty may be the solution you are searching for.

Depending on your needs and goals for the procedure, a number of different techniques or combination of techniques can be used, and in many cases, it is not necessary to break the nasal bones. However, for the best results possible, it is advisable to trust the judgment of a qualified and experienced Toronto Plastic Surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty.
Toronto Rhinoplasty- Does It Require Breaking Nasal Bones

Rhinoplasty Without Osteotomies

Osteotomies, or bony work, are terms used to describe breaking the nasal bones during rhinoplasty. Many patients understandably hope to avoid osteotomies, as fracturing the bones may result in additional bruising. Typically, if work is not required on the upper third of the nose, Toronto rhinoplasty can be performed without osteotomies, as the lower two thirds of the nose is comprised of cartilage not bone.

This means that patients who are hoping to address changes to the tip of their nose can undergo a tip plasty, that reshapes the nasal tip without fracturing the bones. However, in the event that you have a nasal hump or bump or wide nasal bones, osteotomies may be necessary to minimize the bump and provide a greater contour to the nose.

In addition, for optimal results, it is imperative to ensure that the tip remains in balance with the rest of the nose; thus, in some cases, when patients request tip work, it is also necessary to perform osteotomies to narrow the bridge in order to create a more consistent, balanced result.

While osteotomies can often be avoided, in the event that they are necessary, it is important to be aware that while fracturing the nose may cause some additional bruising, it does not cause pain. When osteotomies are necessary, they are performed in a careful and controlled manner and should not be a cause for concern.

Trust The Judgment Of Your Surgeon

When undergoing Toronto rhinoplasty surgery, it is important to trust the judgment of your surgeon. Although it is often not necessary to fracture the nasal bones, in some cases, depending on your goals and the anatomy of your nose, osteotomies will help deliver the best results.

During your consultation, your plastic surgeon will evaluate your nose and let you know whether osteotomies are necessary to achieve balanced, aesthetically pleasing results and to meet your objective for the procedure. Ultimately, it is advisable to follow the advice of your plastic surgeon, as avoiding osteotomies may compromise the results and create a tip that is not in balance with the rest of the nose or in harmony with the entire face.

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