Chin Implants - Before & After

Chin Implants - BEFORE / AFTER

Chin Implant Before After Photos
Chin Implant Before After Photos

Before and After Chin Implant Surgery with Dr. Philip Solomon of Toronto. This young woman was seen in consultation with Dr. Solomon, and expressed her desire to improve her chin projection. We reviewed her options, silicone versus medpor to augment the chin. She chose a silicone implant to provide increased projection and height. The surgery was performed under general anesthesia through an external incision beneath the chin. Before and after chin implant pictures with Dr. Solomon are 3 months apart.

Chin Implant Surgery Before and After Photos
Chin Implant Surgery Before and After Photos

Before and After Chin Implant Surgery with Dr. Philip Solomon of Toronto. Dr. Philip Solomon performed a chin augmentation as well as a closed rhinoplasty on this woman in her late 20’s. She was looking to improve her facial balance as she felt her nose was overprojected and her chin was under projected. In a 2 hour surgery, performed under general anesthesia, we augmented the chin with a silicone implant, inserted beneath the chin and placed on the midline of the mandible. The implant remains secured in place indefinitely. Swelling typically subsides 3 months following chin implant surgery. Before and after chin implant pictures with Dr. Solomon are 6 weeks apart.

Chin Implant Surgery Before and After Photos
Chin Implant Surgery Before and After Photos

Before and After Chin Implant Surgery with Dr. Philip Solomon of Toronto. This delightful young woman travelled from across the country for a chin augmentation and nasal reduction. We combined a closed rhinoplasty with a silicone chin implant augmentation at the Solomon Nasal and Facial Plastic Surgery Centre in Toronto. In combining rhinoplasty with chin implant surgery, patients can improve their facial harmony and confidence. We review all options for chin augmentation including material used, silicone versus medpor. This patient opted for a silicone chin implant which is easily inserted and positioned centrally on the mandible. Recovery time varies from patient to patient. Rhinoplasty surgery can take longer to heal. Before and after chin implant pictures with Dr. Solomon are one week apart.


Before and After Chin Implant Surgery with Dr. Philip Solomon of Toronto. This delightful 53 year old female patient underwent two procedures to address her jawline. Often the chin can recede with age; skin laxity was also a concern for her. We combined a deep plane facelift with a chin augmentation to increase her chin projection and excise excess skin from her lower face and neck. In doing so, our patient achieved a more structured and youthful jawline. Chin augmentation is typically performed in a one hour surgery under general anesthesia. Chin augmentation gives added projection to the chin and can create a more chiseled jawline and balance to the face. Before and after chin implant pictures by Dr. Solomon are 4 weeks apart.

Chin Implant Before After Photos
Chin Implant Before After Photos
Before and After Chin Implant with Dr. Philip Solomon of Toronto. Dr. Philip Solomon performed a combination of procedures on this lovely 50 year old female. She was concerned with aging jawline, skin laxity and increased chin recession. We performed a Deep Plane Facelift in addition to chin augmentation surgery. The combination can significantly improve the jawline structure and facial balance while providing a more youthful facial appearance. At Solomon Facial Plastic we offer 3 options for chin implant surgery; silicone, medpor and custom facial implants. Full recovery from chin implant surgery can take anywhere from 1 -3 months as swelling subsides with time. Before and after chin implant pictures with Dr. Solomon are 6 weeks apart.
Before and After Chin Implant Surgery with Dr. Philip Solomon of Toronto. This male patient in his mid 40’s, met with Dr. Philip Solomon in consultation to discuss his goals for chin augmentation. He felt he had a weak chin and reviewed his options for chin augmentation. He chose to proceed with chin implant surgery with a silicone implant that can be easily implanted and removed if needed. The implant is set securely on the midline of the mandible. Recovery from chin implant surgery requires 7-10 days downtime with 1-3 months for complete recovery as swelling dissipates. Dr. Philip Solomon often combines this procedure with neck liposuction, facetite or facelift surgery. Before and after chin implant pictures with Dr. Philip Solomon are 6 weeks apart.

Before and After Chin Implant Surgery with Dr. Philip Solomon of Toronto. Our patient is a 32 year old female who wanted to improve her facial balance. At SFP we offer both silicone and medpor chin implants to augment the chin. Our patient chose a silicone implant to increase projection of her chin. Chin implant surgery is performed under general anesthesia in a 70 minute procedure. 

Dr. Philip Solomon’s before and after chin implant surgery pictures with Dr. Philip Solomon are 3 months apart.

Chin Implant Before After Photos
Chin Implant Before After Photos
Before and After Chin Implant with Dr. Philip Solomon of Toronto. This lovely young lady in her 20’s discussed her goals for surgery; to improve her profile by addressing the cheeks, jawline and chin. Dr. Philip Solomon performed a combination of buccal fat removal, neck liposuction and chin implant surgery. This combination of procedures address excess fat in the cheeks and beneath the chin, the chin implant addressed chin projection. A silicone implant was used to improve the projection and height of the chin. She now has a more contoured and chiseled jawline, improving her confidence and self-esteem. Before and after chin implant pictures with Dr. Philip Solomon are 2 months apart.
Chin Implant Surgery Before and After Photos
Chin Implant Surgery Before and After Photos
Before and After Chin Implant with Dr. Philip Solomon of Toronto. This young woman, 24 years of age, met with Dr. Philip Solomon in consultation to discuss her goals for chin implant surgery. She wanted to have surgery prior to her wedding, a few months later. We offer patients 3 options for chin implant surgery, silicone, medpor or custom implants. Patients often prefer silicone implants due to the ease of implantation and removal if required or desired. Chin implant surgery is performed at the Solomon Nasal and Facial Plastic Surgery Centre in a one hour procedure, under general anesthesia. Before and after chin implant pictures with Dr. Philip Solomon are 6 weeks apart.
Chin Implant Surgery Before and After Photos
Chin Implant Surgery Before and After Photos
Before and After Chin Implant with Dr. Philip Solomon of Toronto. Dr. Philip Solomon determined the ideal chin shape for this lovely 25 year old female to give the projection she was looking for. A silicone implant was used to augment the chin in a one hour surgical procedure under general anesthesia. Dr. Solomon specializes in facial implants to enhance cheeks, the jawline and chin. Recovery from chin implant surgery typically ranges from 7-10 days. Optimal results are seen 1-3 months following chin implant surgery. Before and after chin implant surgery with Dr. Philip Solomon pictures are 7 weeks apart.
Chin Implant Before After Photos
Chin Implant Before After Photos
Before and After Chin Implant with Dr. Philip Solomon of Toronto. Our 20 year old patient was genetically predisposed to significant chin recession. She came to us looking to augment the chin using a silicone implant. The implant we used was surgically implanted through a small incision beneath the chin. Chin augmentation is performed in a one hour procedure under general anesthesia by Dr. Philip Solomon. Chin augmentation can be performed using silicone or medpor implants, as well as custom implants. Before and after chin implant pictures with Dr. Philip Solomon are 8 weeks apart.
Chin Implant Surgery Before and After Photos
Chin Implant Surgery Before and After Photos

Dr. Philip Solomon of Toronto, before and after Chin Implant. This 37 year old female was seen in our clinic Just 24 hours after chin implant surgery and neck liposuction. She travelled from across the province for her surgery and was returning home a few days following her procedure. She wanted to increase her chin projection and minimize submental fullness. She wanted a more sleek and feminine jawline that was achieved in a 90 minute procedure at the Solomon Nasal and Facial Plastic Surgery Centre in Toronto. Before and after chin implant pictures are 24 hours apart.

Chin Implant Before After Photos
Chin Implant Before After Photos

40 year old female patient wanted to improve the appearance of both her nose and chin. She underwent a closed rhinoplasty to refine her nose and achieve a more feminine look. She also underwent chin augmentation surgery. A silicone chin implant was used to improve the projection of her chin for better facial harmony. 7 months post-op.


21 year old female underwent a Closed Rhinoplasty combined with a Chin Augmentation to improve facial balance. Her nasal bridge has narrowed and refined; a silicone implant was inserted through an incision to augment the chin.
1 year post-op.

Review the patients before and after transformation photos.

Chin Implant Before After Photos
Chin Implant Before After Photos

Chin implant surgery on this patient achieved the results they were looking for. A more balanced and harmonious facial aesthetic appearance.

Review the patients before and after transformation photos.

Chin Implant Before After Photos
Chin Implant Before After Photos

Chin implant and cosmetic rhinoplasty was performed by Dr Philiip Solomon. The results are dramatic but natural. This attractive womens facial features post surgery are better balanced.

Review the patients before and after transformation photos.

Chin Implant Before After Photos
Chin Implant Before After Photos

This patient underwent chin implant surgery to augment their chin to create a more attractive appearance. A chin implant is chosen and sized according to the patients needs. The results are quite significant and quite rewarding.

Review the patients before and after transformation photos.

Chin Implant Before After Photos
Chin Implant Before After Photos

This patient underwent chin implant surgery to augment their chin to create a more attractive appearance. A chin implant is chosen and sized according to the patients needs. The results are quite significant and quite rewarding.

Review the patients before and after transformation photos.

Chin Implant Before After Photos
Chin Implant Before After Photos

This patient was looking to enhance their profile with a chin implant to create a more proportioned appearance. Dr. Philip Solomon selected an implant that would best compliment their facial structure in order to achieve their desired results.

Review the patients before and after transformation photos.

Chin Implant Before After Photos
Chin Implant Before After Photos

Chin implant surgery on this patient achieved the results they were looking for. A more balanced and harmonious facial aesthetic appearance.

Review the patients before and after transformation photos.

Chin Implant Before After Photos
Chin Implant Before After Photos

41 year old female patient was looking to improve facial harmony with a chin augmentation to add projection to her chin to better balance her facial profile. Chin augmentation was performed in combination with Neck Liposuction to improve the contour of jawline and to remove excess fat beneath the chin. 5 weeks post-op.

Review the patients before and after transformation photos.

Chin Implant Before After Photos
Chin Implant Before After Photos

32 year old female came to us looking to reshape her nose. She wanted a slight slope and refined nasal tip. We recommended a chin augmentation to further improve her facial harmony. 1 week post-op.

Chin Implant Before After Photos
Chin Implant Before After Photos

24 year old male patient wanted to increase the vertical length of his chin. This can be achieved with chin implant surgery or jaw surgery. A silicone implant was used in this particular case. 4 weeks post-op.

Chin Implant Before After Photos
Chin Implant Before After Photos

45 year old male patient underwent 5 surgeries to improve his facial harmony. Rhinoplasty was performed to lift the nasal tip and moderately modify the shape of his nasal bridge. Lower Blepharoplasty was carried out to remove excess fat from beneath his lower eyelids. A chin implant was inserted submentally to increase chin projection and provide better balance to his face. Facetite combined with Neck Liposuction was performed to remove excess fat from beneath his chin and and tighten the skin of the lower face, jowls and neck, improving facial contour and jawline. 4 weeks post-op.

Review the patients before and after transformation photos.

Facial Liposuction Before After Photos
Facial Liposuction Before After Photos

Neck liposuction, neck plasty and chin implant

Review the patients before and after transformation photos.

Facial Liposuction Before After Photos

Submental lipectomy and neck plasty performed Dr P Solomon. Notice improvement of neck and area under chin.

Facial Liposuction Before After Photos
Facial Liposuction Before After Photos

Young man desired improvement in neck contour. Submental liposuctiona and neck plasty performed by Dr Solomon Facial Cosmetic Surgeon Toronto Canada.

Neck Liposuction Before and After Photos
Neck Liposuction Before and After Photos

Neck Liposuction was performed on this female patient in her late 30’s. Her jawline is now more defined and sculpted giving her a more feminine and youthful appearance.

Review the patients before and after transformation photos.

Neck Liposuction Before & After
Neck Liposuction Before & After

Female patient in her late 30’s was looking to remove excess volume from beneath her chin. She underwent neck liposuction in combination with Facetite to achieve these results. 6 weeks post-op.

Review the patients before and after transformation photos.

Neck Liposuction Before & After
Neck Liposuction Before & After

45 year old male patient underwent 5 surgeries to improve his facial harmony. Rhinoplasty was performed to lift the nasal tip and moderately modify the shape of his nasal bridge. Lower Blepharoplasty was carried out to remove excess fat from beneath his lower eyelids. A chin implant was inserted submentally to increase chin projection and provide better balance to his face. Facetite combined with Neck Liposuction was performed to remove excess fat from beneath his chin and and tighten the skin of the lower face, jowls and neck, improving facing contour and jawline. 4 weeks post-op.

Review the patients before and after transformation photos.

Neck Liposuction Before & After
Neck Liposuction Before & After

This 20 year old female patient underwent 5 surgeries with Dr. Philip Solomon to feminize her face. Rhinoplasty, Brow Reduction, Hairline Reduction, Buccal Fat Removal, Neck Liposuction were performed to soften her appearance and add facial contour. 1 month post-op.

Review the patients before and after transformation photos.

Neck Liposuction Before & After
Neck Liposuction Before & After

Female patient in her early 30’s wanted to remove excess fat from beneath her chin as she felt it made her look bigger than she is. The patient underwent Neck Liposuction combined with Facetite at the Solomon Nasal and Facial Plastic Surgery Centre. 1 month post-op

Review the patients before and after transformation photos.

Neck Liposuction Before & After
Neck Liposuction Before & After

This 41 year old female patient underwent Neck Liposuction with Dr Philip Solomon to remove submental fullness beneath the chin. This procedure was performed in combination with a Chin Implant to augment the chin and to create a more structured jawline and facial silhouette. 5 weeks post-op.

Review the patients before and after transformation photos.

Chin Implant Before After Photos
Chin Implant Before After Photos

This patient underwent chin implant surgery to augment their chin to create a more attractive appearance. A chin implant is chosen and sized according to the patients needs. The results are quite significant and quite rewarding.

Review the patients before and after transformation photos.

Chin Implant Before After Photos
Chin Implant Before After Photos

This patient was looking to enhance their profile with a chin implant to create a more proportioned appearance. Dr. Philip Solomon selected an implant that would best compliment their facial structure in order to achieve their desired results.

Review the patients before and after transformation photos.

Chin Implant Before After Photos
Chin Implant Before After Photos

Chin implant and cosmetic rhinoplasty was performed by Dr Philiip Solomon. The results are dramatic but natural. This attractive womens facial features post surgery are better balanced.

Review the patients before and after transformation photos.

Chin Implant Before After Photos
Chin Implant Before After Photos

This patient underwent chin implant surgery to augment their chin to create a more attractive appearance. A chin implant is chosen and sized according to the patients needs. The results are quite significant and quite rewarding.

Review the patients before and after transformation photos.

Chin Implant Before After Photos
Chin Implant Before After Photos

This patient underwent chin implant surgery to augment their chin to create a more attractive appearance. A chin implant is chosen and sized according to the patients needs. The results are quite significant and quite rewarding.

Review the patients before and after transformation photos.

Chin Implant Before After Photos
Chin Implant Before After Photos

This patient was looking to enhance their profile with a chin implant to create a more proportioned appearance. Dr. Philip Solomon selected an implant that would best compliment their facial structure in order to achieve their desired results.

Review the patients before and after transformation photos.

Chin Implant Before After Photos
Chin Implant Before After Photos

32 year old female patient underwent a combined chin implant and rhinoplasty procedure to increase the projection of the chin, to reduce the dorsal hump for a more balanced facial appearance. 1 year post-op.

Review the patients before and after transformation photos.

Chin Implant Before After Photos
Chin Implant Before After Photos

Chin implant surgery on this patient achieved the results they were looking for. A more balanced and harmonious facial aesthetic appearance.

Review the patients before and after transformation photos.


In order to best assist you, we require all cosmetic patients to schedule a virtual or in-person consultation. There is a fee of $250 with imaging plus HST for all consultations. Your consultation fee will be credited towards your procedure and/or treatment. To schedule a consultation, please complete the attached form or call our office at 905-764-7799. We look forward to hearing from you.

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