There is a common public perception that a nose job is only a cosmetic procedure. In reality, rhinoplasty can also be used as a therapeutic procedure to treat certain medical conditions. It can be used to achieve a lot more than merely changing the physical appearance of the nose. We have provided a list of medical conditions that rhinoplasty is able to drastically improve by correcting anatomical defects of the nose. If you are considering a nose surgery, have a look at the following benefits.

Improve The Ability To Breathe

You may have been born with a congenital condition that makes it difficult to breathe through your nose due to misalignment of your nasal septum. You may not have noticed the condition because you assumed that your breathing is normal and did not know that your breathing is not as efficient as it could be. Sometimes, you may unconsciously breathe orally which may somewhat correct your breathing. In these situations, a Septorhinoplasty surgery, (a combination of cosmetic and anatomical changes to the nose) can do far more than just change your physical appearance.

In fact, a deviated septum can be corrected with almost no visible change to the outside of the nose. During your consultation, the surgeon will be able to rule out any anatomical defects that could be responsible for the difficulty breathing. Correcting this at a younger age is beneficial for you as symptoms from such defects become more prominent as you continue to age. After the procedure, you will notice significant improvement while breathing through your nose.

Better, Refreshing Sleep

Have you ever noticed that after sleeping for a significant number of hours, you still wake up feeling not well rested? Such symptoms are most commonly associated with obstruction of the nasal passage. Ask your significant other to observe you sleep overnight, he or she may notice symptoms such as deep snoring, gasping for breath, and signs of breathing through the mouth. Septorhinoplasty can correct the anatomy to make it easier for you to breathe easily while sleeping and rest soundly.

Your experienced Rhinoplasty surgeon will inspect your nasal passages during the consultation to identify what could be interfering with your sleep. The surgeon will then suggest an appropriate treatment plan for your particular situation and perform the procedure only if it is warranted. Following the Septorhinoplasty surgery, give a week or two for your nose to heal from the surgery. Months following the surgery, you should notice a significant improvement in your sleep and greater energy there ever after.

Your Mood

Most people don’t associate their breathing efficiency with their mood. In fact, difficulty breathing can have a lasting impact on your mood by restricting proper oxygen flow to your brain. Thus, it can result in some noticeable changes in your mood including increased irritability, depression, and anxiety. This is believed to be the result of stress and lack of energy resulting from ineffective sleep.

If the surgeon determines obstruction of the nasal pathway as the cause of your impaired breathing, rhinoplasty could be beneficial in easing daily anxiety and therefore- improving your mood as well.
Sep 19th 2017
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