When considering rhinoplasty, it is important to take your time to select the right surgeon for you. In addition to considering each prospective Toronto Plastic Surgeon’s qualifications, experience, body of work, board certification, and area of specialization, it is crucial to take into account the surgeon’s location.

While some patients consider travelling for surgery, it is best to have your rhinoplasty in Toronto, as being close to home ensures that you have a chance to consult with your surgeon in person, have access to the aftercare needed, and can easily see your rhinoplasty surgeon should you have any questions or concerns pre or post-operatively. Although travelling abroad may save you money, it is not worth the potential risks it poses.

In-Person Consultation

One of the best ways to determine the most suitable surgeon for your rhinoplasty in Toronto is to schedule an individual consultation. Meeting with your prospective surgeon will allow you to clearly discuss your goals for the procedure, ask any questions that you may have, and ensure that you feel confident in the surgeon’s ability to deliver the results you desire.

In most cases, when patients travel abroad for surgery, they do not have the opportunity to consult with their plastic surgeon in person prior to the procedure. This means that there is a risk that their goals for the procedure have not been clearly expressed, which can compromise the outcome. In addition, patients who travel for surgery commit to the procedure without knowing whether the operating facility is clean and up-to-date or if the same rigorous safety standards adhered to in Toronto will be met.


Following your procedure, several follow up appointments will be scheduled to ensure that you are healing well. These appointments enable your Toronto Plastic Surgeon to evaluate your nose as you go through the various stages of healing, while also giving you the opportunity to discuss any questions that you may have. The peace of mind provided at these appointments would not be possible if you travelled outside of Toronto for your procedure, as it would be difficult if not impossible to see your surgeon for a post-operative examination.

Although complications are rare, it is advisable to schedule your surgery close to home so you can easily see your surgeon in the event that an unanticipated problem arises. Knowing that your surgeon is just a phone call away and will be available to see you should the need arise will help to mitigate the stress associated with surgery.

On the other hand, if you travel abroad for your procedure and experience complications post-operatively, it will be very difficult to receive the aftercare that you deserve.

Price Should Not Be Determining Factor

Although price is understandably a consideration for many patients considering rhinoplasty in Toronto, it should never be the determining factor when selecting a surgeon. Instead, it is vital to select a highly qualified and experienced surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty, as no elective cosmetic surgery procedure is worth putting your health and safety at risk.

Oct 04th 2019
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