Throughout history, people have been employing both surgical and non-surgical interventions to reverse the signs of aging to beautify their faces. If your next step on a self-improvement journey might be a facelift in Toronto, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve compiled some vital information about this popular cosmetic procedure to help you get a clear picture about what it can do for you.

As you enter middle age and beyond, your complexion can begin to change in noticeable ways. It may start with a few fine lines at the outer corners of the eyes. You may see your previously plump lips thinning, cheeks flattening and jowls appearing seemingly overnight.

Each person has unique skin properties, and some are born with thinner, less elastic skin than others. Natural hydrators like hyaluronic acid will start to decline after age 30, and the collagen and elastin that keeps your skin smooth and wrinkle-free will lose some of that healthy texture, producing less and less of these youthful substances.

It can be frustrating to see an older version of yourself in the mirror. These days, people are staying active and healthy for many years longer than before. They’re making career moves at 50 and dating again at 60- no one wants to look older than he or she feels. A facelift in Toronto is one of the most effective and impactful favours you can do for yourself.

How Do Toronto Facelift Procedures Work To Turn Back The Clock?

On average, studies indicate that a well-executed procedure can reverse your perceived age by 8-10 years. One of the long-term benefits is that though you will continue to age after the procedure, you will always appear younger than you would have without it. This cosmetic surgery can be performed in a variety of ways and is highly customizable for the individual.

As you age, gravity works against the soft tissue and underlying muscle in your face, pulling downward and leading to sagging.

At the same time, natural fat pads and collagen diminish, hollowing under eyes and temples while flattening cheeks. The shifting facial volume and skin, in turn, affect the jowl and neck appearance. This whole cascade of negative effects make a person look older, but it can be improved.

A facelift procedure removes excess, stretched skin and tightens or repositions the underlying support structures. Fat may be added and the skin artfully redraped. This basic framework allows for a whole lot of customization. There are mini facelifts, browlifts, neck lifts and different methods for addressing the tissue layers. Each facial cosmetic surgeon has their preferred techniques and specialization.

Could You Be A Great Candidate For A Facelift?

When you’re ready to consider your own procedure, your next step will be to meet with your chosen facial cosmetic surgeon in person. The consultation is an essential appointment and your first opportunity to ask detailed questions about the plan that your surgeon would utilize for you. They’ll listen to your goals and examine your facial features. They’ll make recommendations and ensure you understand what is possible, realistic and recommended.

An ideal candidate is in good general health, both physically and mentally. They want to revitalize their look, boost confidence and target a few facial ageing issues. They have realistic expectations and are otherwise happy with their life and outlook. This procedure is one of the most rewarding and transformative cosmetic treatments a person has available to them.

Dr. Phillip Solomon is a double board certified facial cosmetic surgery expert. He understands what it takes to achieve flawlessly natural, impressive results. He works with patients just like you every day to restore confidence and smooth the years off their appearance. We welcome you to contact us to set up your consultation.

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