Given that a facelift is a complex surgery, it is completely normal and expected to have varying degrees of bruising and swelling following a facelift. However, there are ways to manage the swelling in order to make your recovery as smooth and speedy as possible.

Here are the top 3 must have tips to minimize swelling after a Toronto facelift.

Recovering from a facelift takes about 3-4 weeks, during which time swelling and bruising will first peak before subsiding. In order to minimize swelling, it is highly recommended to sleep in an elevated position for the first few weeks following the procedure. By doing so, optimal blood circulation is encouraged and gravity is allowed to run its course to keep swelling as minimal as possible.

Another great way to reduce swelling following a Toronto facelift is to minimize your intake of salty foods. Following a healthy and balanced diet is the key to a quick and comfortable recovery. Giving your body the fuel it needs to refuel is extremely important.

However, the main reason for reducing salt is to minimize the level of swelling in the connecting tissues. Another great benefit of reducing your salt intake is that you can lower your blood pressure and promote better overall health as well. It is helpful to read food labels carefully and be more vigilant than usual for the first few weeks following a facelift, as most packaged goods contains high levels of salt.

Making sure you are hydrated and having enough water can also help to keep salt levels in your system low.

A popular natural and effective way to minimize swelling following surgery, is the use of Arnica. This is a plant-based homeopathic remedy that works to reduce swelling and bruising due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Arnica is usually available in several different forms and is effective in tablet or gel form, as well as when used as a compress by boiling the leaves of the plant.

At Solomon Facial Plastic, we provide all our patients who have undergone a facelift in Toronto with comprehensive postoperative care instructions. When these guidelines are followed correctly, swelling, bruising and overall discomfort should be minimal.

That being said, everyone’s body reacts differently to surgery. While some patients may experience minimal swelling and discomfort, this may not be the case for other patients.

Typically, up to 60% of the swelling will subside over the first couple of weeks following the procedure. After about three months, 80% of the swelling will have subsided. It is usually around the six-month mark that 90% of the swelling is gone, and the remaining 10% can take up to a year to fully dissipate.

Although this may sound like a long time, after around three months the swelling is not noticeable to others. It’s more so that the facial tissues may still feel firm to touch due to residual swelling. Most people are comfortable enough to return to work two weeks following the procedure.

As one of the leading cosmetic surgeons for facelifts in Toronto, Dr. Philip Solomon is well known for putting patient comfort and safety first. Using advanced techniques with artistic precision, his patients are usually able to enjoy a quick and comfortable recovery period.

If you are considering a facelift and would like more information, we invite you to contact our clinic for a private consultation today.

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