Dr Philip Solomon Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, practicing in Facial Plastic Surgery Toronto Canada. Teaching Faculty University of Toronto.
Fourteen per cent of Botox injections, 15 per cent of all liposuction and eyelid surgeries, 20 per cent of laser hair removal and 24 per cent of nose jobs are carried out on men. Cosmetic surgery and related procedures in the United States have increased 32 per cent last year to 8.7 million. Specifically, Botox anti-wrinkle injection treatments are the most popular. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons said the number of surgical procedures grew by 5 per cent, while minimally invasive procedures jumped 41 per cent over 2002.
It has become clear to men in 2011 that they too can benefit from many of today’s cosmetic surgery procedures.
Just as many men as women are born with a nose that is too large or a chin that recedes. Also, as men get into their 4th decade they too will experience sagging eyes and jowl formation, laxity of their neck. Men are not excluded from wrinkle formation, volume loss or textural and pigmentation changes to their skin.
While women are motivated to look beautiful, men are motivated to enhance their appearance for social and economic status. Appearing fresh, young, healthy can often improve ones job opportunities.
Worn down, tired looking executives who appear “over the hill” may get passed over for promotions and raises in favor of younger, healthier-looking colleagues. A major North American Cosmetic Surgery study, revealed the following interesting facts;
84% of the men surveyed believed physical attractiveness was important for power and success on the job.42% felt that improving one thing about their face would help their career.32% agreed that if they had a more youthful appearance it would positively impact their job success. 22% agreed with the statement, “I use my personal appearance to my advantage in getting things accomplished on the job.”
The results clearly indicate that there is a perception amongst men that the way you look can have a substantial impact on your job and your career. This perception may be responsible for the rise in cosmetic surgery amongst men over the past decade.
Another factor which may affect men’s growing interest in cosmetic surgery may be the rise in divorce over the past few decades. Divorced men often seek to enhance their appearance as they reenter the single seen. Men who become single as they approach middle age often want to enhance their looks as they start to date.
Society has become increasingly obsessed with fitness and appearance. As men invest time into maintain their physical health often they consider facial cosmetic enhancement to ensure that their face looks as good as their fit young body.
Finally there is an ever growing societal acceptance of cosmetic plastic surgery in general. As cosmetic surgery and cosmetic enhancement has become main stream, men feel more comfortable embracing plastic surgery procedures to enhance their appearance.
In my practice the commonest facial plastic surgery procedures sought out by men include Rhinoplasty, Chin implantation, Facelift, Blepharoplasty, Otoplasty, Botox, and Facial laser resurfacing.